Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't Run Al, Don't Run (Blog Action Day: Environment)

As it's the waning hours of Blog Action Day, I thought I would post on this year's topic, near and dear to my heart: the environment. In particular, I would like to address the question of Al Gore running for president.

Some people think its a great idea. I don't. If you're listening Al -- don't do it. Not that you wouldn't make a great president. I'm sure you would -- although my expectations are pretty low right now as to what would make a great president.

No the problem is that if you were president, you'd have to worry about a lot more things than global warming. In particular, you would be dragged into the mire (sans quag?) that is the war in Iraq, the middle-east peace process, the so called wars on terror and drugs, health care, yadda-yadda.

No, Mr. Vice President, I would like you to be focused on global warming. I want the next president (whomever he or she, the democrat, turns out to be) to come to you and say, "what do I do with this?" and you get him in touch with all the best people and things begins to happen.

If you're president maybe that would happen anyway. But it just seems like there would be a lot of other pressures on you to do less. Focus on other things. And then there will be all those sullying conflicts with congressmen and global leaders.

No, Mr. Vice President, stay above the fray. We need you there.

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