Saturday, January 22, 2005

Relief at 330

I do have to apologize for such a blase reaction to the state of the 330. Its hard to put into words a more rewarding response for you gents. Can always try. Regarding the kitchen, I was actually embarassed to realize that I was so lame as to have placed things in cuppbords the way I had done - be it in a very expected way. However I have no nostalgia nor affinity for such way of kitchen storage and organization. In fact, even no benefit in use. I still don't know where things were when I looked for them. And regarding the serving trays, I had lost the set I had bought and ended up getting a new set so now I have way too many serving trays. Your rearrangement made me ask myself why I was trying to fit into such tradition, plates here, pots here, etc. It didn't really matter where they were. And it was great to have them all pulled out and shoved into one place.

Regarding the lights, I went with no lights showering in the bathroom the first night thinking that my bulbs were out. That and the loose showerhead left my bathroom dark and wet all over. A brief but similar experience to the tsunami torn areas in asia.

I especially appreciated waking up the next morning, blurry eyed, lying in my bed as the light crept in to reveal the message behind the transluscent light fixture... "F U". I don't think i've taken that down yet.

There are plenty more, but were easy to discover and easy to undo. Not interesting enough to mention. My suggestion is that next time you are doing this to give it some sort of basis related to me, my personality, or relationship to you. You gents had lots of time. I would have done it after one or two beers (with shoes off), maybe some music, and great care in composing a story around it.

That would have made it plenty to react to.

Although, an equally interesting substitute for that is to do things big. As you gents did with the mirrors. That was awesome. Although lacking in taste, the effort itself is the act and not the flipped mirrors. That I applaud.

And don't take this the wrong way. This blog post is part of the theater, not a review of the play :)
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